A step-by-step process to build every presentation

Step 1: Getting Started

STEP 2: Confidence

STEP 3: Content

STEP 4: Performance

STEP 5: Influence

Bonuses that improve your career

You’ll learn how to use everything from your body language to the 3 P’s—pace, pitch, and pausing to bring your presentation to life in front of an audience.

If challenges like crutch words (“Um,” “Uh,” “Like,” “Err”) have undermined your performance in the past, not to worry. This course will show you how to get rid of those problems once and for all.

Choose the format that’s convenient for you to transform into a leader no one can compete with


Getting Started

We reduce the feeling of being overwhelmed by clearly outlining the path you will take to success.

We’ll show you step-by-step the journey we’ll take together and how you’ll grow at each step along the way to becoming a presenter people cancel plans to hear.



You learn exactly what causes performance anxiety and fight, flight, or freeze syndrome, and the clear, actionable steps you can take to manage it before and during presentations.

When you finish this step, stage fright and anxiety will never hold you back again from being your very best in front of an audience, and you will no longer merely try to get through presentations. You’ll get into them—and so will your audience!

Step 2 Will Teach you:

  • Where anxiety presents itself in your body
  • How to take control of your body instead of your body and emotions forcing you to lose control of your presentation.
  • The ACTXIETY APPROACH: Exercises to control stage fright & anxiety
  • How to move from anxiety to authority
  • The one thing that always paves the way for confidence
  • How to get to know your audience before you get to the front of the room

Choose the format that’s convenient for you to transform into a leader no one can compete with



Using our unique IN-10 Approach we’ll teach you a reproducible strategy to building any and every presentation for the rest of your career!

Mastering the technique will position you for success.

Step 3 Will Teach you:

  • What does and doesn’t belong in your presentation
  • What does and doesn’t need multi-media support
  • The different types of multi-media and which will work best for your presentations
  • How to build multi-media that supports your desired outcome instead of becoming a distraction
  • How to build and tell stories that elevate your presentation to a professional level
  • The exact order of steps to build your content as efficiently and effectively as possible
  • How to use just the right amount of content without overwhelming your audience with too much information



In this step you’ll learn the techniques to becoming a presenter people cancel their plans to hear.

You’ll learn how to become a more dynamic, engaging, and entertaining presenter—a presenter who stands out as unique and authentic.

We’ll teach you fundamental principles that will make you look, feel, and sound like a pro in front of any audience and we’ll share with you advanced tips and tricks that will make audiences think you are a born natural in the front of any room.

Step 4 Will Teach you to:

  • See yourself from the audience’s point of view and make adjustments that create powerful connections and influence with the audience
  • Give your presentation using an outline instead of a script (and you’ll be on your way to using no notes at all)
  • Use your body language and the 3P’s: Pace, Pitch, and Pausing to more effectively help convey your message
  • Eliminate distracting habits and filler words
  • Break down your practice sessions into smaller, more effective segments that don’t require a lot of extra time
  • A 3-step practice approach that positions you for success every time you get in front of an audience.

Choose the format that’s convenient for you to transform into a leader no one can compete with



The Confluence Method is designed to give you more influence with your audiences than you have ever had before—maybe more than you’ve ever imagined.

In this step, everything you have learned comes together so you can achieve your presentation goals.

Step 5 Will Teach you to:

  • Understand your unique strengths and weaknesses as a presenter
  • Understand what you need to work on—and how to do it— to fully develop your potential as a presenter and a communicator
  • Use advanced tips and techniques that will forever set you apart from your competition
  • Put together an action plan that will grow your career, your income, your influence
  • Become a presenter people cancel their plans to hear
  • Follow a step-by-step process moving forward to build every presentation for the rest of your career!


Bonuses to Improve Your Career

Private Community

Value: $1,500 A Year

    • The Presentation Transformation private Facebook Group is a great place to practice new skills you are learning in the course and receive feedback that helps you develop your confident, content, and performance.

Live Monthly Coaching Calls

Value: $5,000

    • Each month Gerry will join the community on a live Zoom to answer questions, discuss challenges, share insights, discuss best practices, look at new technology and help you prepare for upcoming presentations.

Recordings Of Monthly Coaching Calls

Value: $597

    • You’ll get access to the recording of the call each month, giving you the answer to your question on your own time schedule, at your convenience.

The BBC Guide—A Step-By-Step Guide For Building Better Content

Value: $179

    • This easy to follow guide will help you build tremendous content for every presentation you will ever give for the rest of your career—saving you hundreds of hours and headaches.

The Story Shed

Value: $79

    • This tool will give you both an intuitive place to store the stories you create and an easy-to-use resource when you are looking for just the right story to add to your presentations.

what They're Saying

Client Testimonials

My first presentation to a customer after learning Presentation Transformation resulted in a major WIN.  The training really paid off.  It was surprisingly easy to incorporate the approach and storytelling into a complex sales presentation.

Virginia Jeffrey

Project Manager, Whiting-Turner

I really enjoyed the entire program, and found participating very valuable. I’m “new” in a variety of ways – new to the organization, new to this kind of role – so I have had to get pretty comfortable being uncomfortable. For me, the practicality of the method you taught us was refreshing. So often, especially in this industry, most training is jargon-heavy, theory-heavy, etc. and it was so nice to be able to absorb the method and then apply it easily.

Julie Good

Product Manager, Blue Cross, Blue Shield

I give quarterly town hall sessions with all our employees (700+). The story approach Gerry teaches allows me to adapt to the audience and grab them with something they relate. The stories Gerry’s approach helps me craft helps my people understand why we have to operate a business running at Mach 1 vs: 80 mph—and how to do it! The program concepts are awesome and easy to apply!

John H. Phelps

President, Carroll Motor Fuels

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